Porträtfoto Prof. Josef Hecken
© Rosa Reibke/G-BA

Prof. Josef Hecken

impartial chair

Born on 2 August 1959 in Neuwied

Married, three children

Since 2018

Teaching assignments at the Leibniz University Hannover and the Medical Faculty of Heidelberg
Lecturer in the Pharmaceutical Legal Studies Master's Programme at the Faculty of Law, University of Marburg

13 January 2015

Awarded the title of Professor by the state government of Saarland in recognition of his merits in the fields of science and research

Since October 2015

Chairman of the Innovation Committee – part of the Federal Joint Committee (G-BA)

Since July 2012

Impartial Chairman of the Federal Joint Committee (G-BA)

2009 – July 2012

State Secretary at the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth

2008 – 2009

President of the Federal Insurance Office


Chairman of the Standing Conference of Ministers of Labour and Social Affairs of the Laender

2004 – 2008

Chairman of the Committee on Health and Vice-Chairman of the Committee on Legal Affairs of the Bundesrat

2004 – 2008

Minister of Justice, Health and Social Affairs of the Saarland and, from 2008, also Labour

1999 – 2004

State Secretary at the Land Ministry for Women, Labour, Health and Social Affairs of the Saarland


Head of Department at METRO AG-Konzernholding

November 1998

Assignment of non-active status (Ministerialdirektor a. D.)

1991 – 1998

Head of the minister's office at what was then the Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, in parallel first Director and later Director-General

1988 – 1991

Higher administrative service of the Land of Rhineland Palatinate (Regional Commissioner of Koblenz, Land Ministry of the Interior in Mainz)